Kaego Ogbechie Rust
3 min readDec 16, 2023


The 60 Second Pitch: A Quick Guide for Success

Photo by Niklas Kickl

Crafting an effective 60-second elevator pitch requires a combination of storytelling and clarity. Here are some of the key elements:


  • Keep clear, concise, compelling, and tailored to the listener
  • Practice often to ensure timing and smooth execution are achieved
  • Solicit feedback externally and continuously refine based on responses — pitch with friends, family and others
  • Write out talking points in advance
  • If needed, take courses such as Toastmasters (available in many cities and online) to help yourself present with confidence


  • Avoid spending too much time on your personal background — talk about the company
  • Avoid spending too much time on historical market context — talk about the current problem you are solving
  • Avoid trying to cover everything — remember this is the start of a conversation to pique interest and invite questions
  • Avoid making your ask difficult — start with an easy request such as chatting further instead of asking for money (fully closing a deal in a mere 60 seconds is unlikely for most entrepreneurs)
  • Avoid being too pushy — again, your goal is to move toward the next step in your process

Example Framework

  • Intro (0-15 seconds): Your name, company name, and company 1-liner/tagline/mission
  • Problem Statement (15-25 seconds): Challenge/pain points of customers
  • Solution, Value Proposition, Proof of Success (25-55 seconds): Your product’s solution to the problem, your unique differentiators, supporting case studies/data, and growth
  • Ask/Call to Action (55-60 seconds): Request further conversation, demo, or next steps

Using and practicing a pitch framework can be immensely beneficial. Employ this guide to enhance your storytelling and clarity the next time you pitch.

Kaego Ogbechie Rust is CEO at Foresight Advisors — working with foundations, investment firms, non-profits, and for-profit ventures — offering comprehensive support across vision & strategy, investing & financing, and operational planning during critical periods of your growth.
If you’re looking for help, contact kaego@foresightadvisors.com or visit

Read More:

New Book Release
The Venture Fund Blueprint — Our #1 Best Selling book helps you learn to build, launch, and grow your organization — with step-by-step guides from crafting messaging and operations to running finance and legal.

Pitch Decks & Messaging
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How to Write an Investor Update (With Example)
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Launch & Growth
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The 10-Point Checklist to Launch Your Business
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Market Size & Viability
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Kaego Ogbechie Rust

I wrote a book! The Venture Fund Blueprint ~ Learn how to launch your fund: https://amzn.to/3s4Hayz